Tuesday 3 February 2009

Tigmut'hep Tuesday...

Well as some of you may know, we had loads and loads of icky white snow yesterday... D'Boy's school understands that I need him to snuggle with, so they sent him home to me after just half of the normal school day. Sadly they want him back today, but I livez in hope that he'll be sent home once more! :)

In the meantime I'z been occupying my time by exploring my creative side with the help of Ramses, Isis and Mummy! This is also to help keep Mummy's mind of the fact that Grammy is having her first radiation treatment for cancer today... See I can be a good and thoughtful cat at times! :P Now if only I could convince Mummy that feeding me loads of treats will help her not think of Grammy today... ;)

Anyway here's what we've been upto and NO these kyoot little onesies are not for me! Remember I'z a big masculine type of mancat and I doesn't do wearing pink, that's for girlycats and sweet little Blurpy Girls! :) However I'm very fond of Blurpies, even if they can't all be D'Boy they're pretty darn good and have the coolest toys and very snuggly blankets too... So you see I do have a softer side (no not my belly!), a more artistic and creative side and I'z an all around nice guy!

Just remember I'll bash yer good and proper if you'z going to disagree with me!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Dear Tigmut'hep,

You're right, it did cheer #1 to look at your post and that wonderful photo of the onesies! We're so glad you got to have extra time with D'Boy. Those schools can be an awful nuisance!

Woofs and Purrs (To Isis and Ramses too!),
Tom and Tama-Chan

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Tig! It's been a while since I dropped in to see you :) I see you are getting quite creative too!
Those are really nice tops for girlycats and blurpys!!!!!!!!
We have something in common too...it's snowing here too!!! Again!!! Mom is tired of it,heehee
Purrs for your Grammie.I hope she will be OK!!
Purrs Mickey

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Tigmut'hep, we heard about the snow in England and that it is an unusual thing to get as much as you did. Momma and Daddy's cousins live in London and we were wondering how they are coping with it. It is wonderful that D'Boy got to come home from school early yesterday to spend extra time with you, Ramses and Isis, and we wish he could have stayed home all day today. We are sending big time purrs for your Grammy, please let her know we are purraying for her. And there is no doubt in our minds that you are definitely an all around nice guy, furriend!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

oh my goodness, the onesies are soooooooooo cute and sweet! I know our blurpy lil sis will LOVE to wear them!!!

We'z been purrin for your gma here in Calgary, and hopin she gets better real soon!

Mommy told us about all da white stuff you are getting. Don't you think they look like lil birdies? I wish I could go outside and catch em all....

Oh, pls tell Ramses that his sweet Marie thinks of him constantly, tee hee!


Daisy said...

Ah, those are very adorable!

Anonymous said...

We is finkin dat our blurpy girl looks good in pink too but not a great mancat like yoo Tig! The mom wants to know if the princess one is available fer sale, she wud like ones fer the alien blurpy. (And dat means yoo gets more treats wif da papers yoo get :D)

meemsnyc said...

Its been snowing here too. Those are cute little onesies.

Black Cat said...

I've never heard them called onesies before but then I'm very ignorant about blurpy matters! Anyhoo, they are very cute and clever:)

I'm glad you had some bonus time with D'Boy on Monday! My snow has all gone but more is forecast. Yuk, don't like it, the roads and pavements go all slippery and scarifying:-(

I'm going to look in on Isis and Ramses now; I haven't visited for ages - spending too much time on Facebook growing plants and stuff, lol! :) xxx

The Oceanside Animals said...

We agree with you completely! (NERVOUS LOOK)