What is this strange and some what miraculous change in your personality I hear you ask, it is all down to my new love Matatabi! Here are some interesting facts about it:
Matatabi is a deciduous, tree-like vine, native to the Asian continent and the Islands of Japan. A close relative of the Kiwi vine, it grows wild in the highlands. It bears small white flowers in summer and small fruits in summer. The entire plant has been used in traditional Japanese medicine, and some of its uses are quite curious.
Long ago the Japanese people discovered that the leaf of the Matatabi vine drives cats crazy. When put into toys, cats play with them excitedly, slobbering, writhing, and dancing about in a strange state of heightened alertness. The herb induced performance is called the Matatabi dance. The dance is similar, but more extreme, to that which occurs when cats are exposed to catnip. Research has established this peculiar feline reaction is caused by volatile oils found in the leaves. Matatabi is more than a source of fun, it is used as a health stimulant for sick cats. As an infusion or powder, it is used to speed the recovery of ailing felines.
All I know is it's mine, all mine and I love it! Better still Daddy says he can get seeds to grow this plant for me and since it is a vine it can probably be grown against the side of my cat run, so that I can sniff it's delectable leaves all the time. Then when it's leaves are about to drop I can help Mummy harvest them, dry them and she says she'll make a load of Matatabi stuffed toys then! So all being well I will be able to send sweet little Tama-Chan a Matatabi ravioli for KissMouse... :) Anyway, back to my Matatabi and all those "feel good feelings" :)
I am so happy that you are happy, Honorable Tigmut'hep! #1 tells me that Ikkyu, the One-Who-Came-Beforest, just loved Matatabi although he never even reacted to catnip! I do hope your horticultural endeavour is successful!
How fascinating. I wish I could get some of that!
We gotta get some of this Matatabi stuff!
OMC!! It's better than nip?? We gotta get the mom to find dat stuffs!
hey there tigs...so um...when can you hook me up with some of the good stuff? I mean, it sounds amazing and as you know,I need something to ease my suffering..for medicinal purposes, you understand? xxx
I gotta get me some of that stuff!
Dude! Better than catnip?!? Where can I score me sum of dat?
I wonner if it woulda made Bonnie nicer... I wonner if it will werk on Nina cuz she don't get high on nip, poor fing.
Dude? Dude! Are you listinin?
sounds very very good thing you got!!
Oh, wow, this sounds like something we are gonna have to try.
We have tagged you for the 5th photo, 5th folder meme.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
I do hope your horticultural endeavour is successful!
home based data entry
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