Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Tigmut'hep Tuesday...

Bah humbug! It might have snowed again, but it hasn't snowed enough to keep D'Boy home with me today... I am therefore sulking in his room today as a sign of my utter disgust for this going to school thing he has to do. However Mummy has said I can have him home all next week, so I've promised to give up my protesting at meal times! ;) After all compromise is the way forward... :)

Other than the nasty weather and Isis being hugely pregnant, there has been quite a bit on TV of late about Red Squirrels! :) We are all huge fans of the lovely Red Squirrel here and as such watch anything we can about it eagerly, especially Ramses who sometimes seems to think he's a squirrel too - this just goes to prove my theory that he's totally nuts! ;) He just doesn't seem to understand that squirrels can't and don't eat nice juicy roasty chickens, nor do they get to snuggle in bed at night with their Mummy's. However it seems in order to protect the lovely Red Squirrel there will be a targeted cull of the Grey Squirrel that was introduced here from the USA in the 1800's, I gather this means it's open season on grey squirrels and since we have one in the garden that we've been fattening up over winter on a diet of peanuts and bird seed, I'm planning my move! I mean what better delicacy can there be than a well stuffed squirrel? ;) The only real downside to this plan of mine is that darn squirrel runs too fast for me at present and I don't really have the "get up and go" to start training for the chance when there's a nice bed full of teddy bears to cuddle with in D'Boy's room... Dreaming about catching the squirrel is all I can manage I guess! ;)


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Well, you see, Tigmut'hep... over here, we ONLY have red squirrels! So, nobody's planning on any hunting. And we can't wait for the regular hunting season to be over, as we hate the sound of gunshots and we love the partridges in our fields!

Sorry you didn't get enough snow to keep your young master at home again. We had a big storm last night but no snow, and it's sunny now!

Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello tigmut'hep its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope those ar just regyoolar teddy bares and not the crazy animatronic style bares i hav seen arownd heer laytly!!!! ok bye

The Meezers or Billy said...

RED squirrels? we only haf GREY ones around here. we want to eat... er... see some red ones!!

Oh, and to answer your question about Billy - NO he doesn't know how to 'alax

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hey Tig, I think your onsies are becoming a fashion statement! Enjoy your day on the bed though!

Daisy said...

I have never seen a grey or a red squirrel. I hope one day, I will get to see one. Because they sound very cool.

meemsnyc said...

Oooh Squirrels, they must be tasty, I mean cute!

Anonymous said...

We will gladly ship yoo sum grey squirrels from our yard if we cud. Man those guys are fast tho!

Black Cat said...

Hey Tig, I'm sorry you're still getting snow but not enough to keep D'Boy home!

I hear that squirrels make good eating (a bit like chicken) so if there is a cull of the greys, lets hope they send them to the supermarkets! That way you can eat one without having to run your paws off first! I love the red ones too. Haven't seen one since a squillion years ago when I was a kid in Somerset and I don't think there are any there now! I'm surprised Daisy doesn't see any in Florida (greys that is, they don't have reds in Mericky). Where my Dad lives in South Carolina they are forever getting power-outs due to squirrels on the cables!

Oops, a bit long, sorry! End of the Epistle according to Black Cat, heh heh! :) xxx

LZ said...

We have FOUR grey squirrels in our yard. I watch them every morning........someday I'll get them.

OK, so how on earth did your human ever live in Canada??? The Woman could not feel certain soft fleshy back side parts of her body walking in Quebec!


Lux said...

Ooh, good luck catching that squirrel, Tigmut'hep!