Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Tigmut'hep Tuesday...

It has been pointed out to me recently that I'm rather lazy when it comes to blogging, so I'm going to try and rectify this... In fact I'm doing my best to become a better Tigmut'hep in 2009 than I was last year. To this end I'm suffering a great indignity in order to try and break my over grooming habit! Oh yes, I've let them dress me in customized baby underwear... :S At least they got me white and blues ones and not the pink ones that my treacherous Boy suggested, I really would have had to leave him the gift of warm wet furball in the shoe if he had done that to me! Luckily for him Mummy stepped in and saved that small tragedy from happening... So I now have 2 blue and one white onesies that have been tailored to my exact requirements. I think that once Mummy has finished tailoring them all for my needs I may well insist that she customize them more fully with added slogans and the like! ;) Oh and just in case anykitty was wondering it seems I'm an age 3-6 months...

Mummy says if I wear these for a good portion of the day that I will have less opportunity to over groom while leaving me free to run around the house with Ramses and Isis if I so please. Seeing as the only other options were some sort of muzzle that would keep me from my food, or a conehead, I guess that Mummy and Daddy's invention is not so bad... The upside of it is I have a warm belly at last and I must say I do rather like that feeling! Once I've let some of my furs grow back I gather I won't have to wear my cloths as much, as long as I continue to refrain from my grooming habits of 12 hrs a day spent licking my belly pink... I kind of hope it works as I'm sick of Ramses poking fun of my nakid pink undercarriage and Isis asking me when the kittens are due! So paws crossed I can beat this compulsion, even if I can't kick the 'nip habit! ;)


The Meezers or Billy said...

Tig, we think that they should be decorated like NASCAR race suits. that would be awesome!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We think that's a pretty brilliant idea! And the warm belly you get is just an added bonus! We hope the strategy turns out to be very successful!

Tom and Tama-Chan

Bonnie Story said...

Tigmut'hep, Good for you for tolerating a bit of "dressed-ness" to help break the overgrooming cycle. A clean tummy is a lovely thing but... how nice that your 'beans didn't just put you on drugs instead! Maybe once you are not grooming so much, and doing other cat things, it will fade away as a compulsion. We'll stay tuned. I think a pic of kitty-in-onesie would be most welcome for your viewers! Sincerely, Bonnie and Pepper

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I bet you are very hard to catch in those outfits...

Daisy said...

Your onesies are very handsome! I never wore anything like that before. I think a slogan is just the thing to spruce them up.

I think the Meezers have a good idea. You could put racing stripes on them! Or a lightning bolt! Or a slogan like "My other outfit is a tuxedo"!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I'm so sorry tigs, so so sorry!!! This is an indignity.

The human is shouting ' pictures! Pictures! I want pics of the baby cat!!'

Ignore her, she is a disgrace xx

meemsnyc said...

Customized baby underwear! That must be so cute.