Monday, 22 September 2008

Mancat Monday - Harvesting the Catnip!

Oh what a wonderful weekend it's been here! Firstly Mummy, Dad and My Boy took Isis away for the day on Saturday, so that Ramses and I could have to lovely peaceful mancat time to ourselves, following a good breakfast served to us at the correct time for a change! ;)

The day was full of the smells of stewing steak as Mummy'd put a casserole on in the slow cooker so they had dinner to come home too, this caused many lovely dreams about swimming in slowly stewed steak I can tell you! So when everyone arrived home with Isis and some fishy Bozita we were most grateful and scoffed the lot in no time flat... ;) Things just kept getting better and better, as Mummy bought out of a carrier bag a small bag of Royal Canin Digestive Comfort 38 which is most tasty and very crunchy too, just the way I like my bikky! Mummy says that if Ramses and I like this we can have a big bag of it in about a month's time, so needless to say we're both making the bikky vanish and fussing round Mummy lots... ;) Sadly Mummy also bought something to keep us mancats out of the kitten bikky ready for Isis next litter of kittens, so much for our gaining weight in sympathy and all that! :(

Finally and best of all after harvesting the last of the carrots, bringing in some more runner beans, starting on the sweetcorn and getting a few more tomotoes and chillis from the veg patch and greenhouse, Mummy decided to help me harvest some of the catnip and dry it ready to make into toys for Kissmouse Day! :) Oh what a wonderful smell came wafting from the kitchen as the 'nip dryed, I just lay on the floor snorting in the good smells and dreaming of new toys and vast piles of 'nip. Seeing my tortured and wistful state Mummy was good enough to supply me with a little of the good stuff to give it a good quality control check, I can happily inform you that it's some of the very bestest 'nip I have ever had the pleasure of rolling in, snorting and generally hoovering up! :) Ramses had a little and even Isis partook of d'nip and both agreed it was the finest ever!!!!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You are very lucky to have fresh catnip! Our humans have black thumbs, so can't grow anything.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It does indeed sound like a super time, Old Chap! So glad you got some of that 'nip too! Funnily enough, I am rather indifferent to 'nip myself. Like my predecessor, Ikkyu, I tend to prefer the Japanese equivalent, known as "Matatabi." #1 obliges by having it flown in from Tokyo. Now that's what I call service!

May I put upon you to give the lovely Isis some kisses and cuddles in return for hers?

Your Friend,

The Oceanside Animals said...

Nothing like some homegrown Roman Red catnip!

Lux said...

Sounds like you've been having a great time lately! Catnip and Christmas, mmmm ... :)

TabbyNormal said...

We are happy for you (and a bit jealous) that you get to be the tester of fresh NIP. We like to imagine what you looked like when you were awaiting your fresh sample!

Abby & Stygia

Quasi said...

So, will you share with your kitty blogosphere friends?