Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Wonderful Wednesday!

Other than having D'Boy home for 2 whole weeks to play with, there are many good things going on around here at the moment! :) It seems that my new catnip planter has been planted and there are 4 varieties of wonderful fragrant 'nip in there, with 2 more growing in separate pots... This seems most pleasing! :)

Now for the really wonderful news!!!! Oh yes my wonderful friends Trooder, Shadow, Molly and Jack the woffie have sent me a couple of Matatabi seeds so I can make Daddy grow some for me, and good as gold Daddy came home from work last night and went straight out to the greenhouse to plant the seeds and put them in the propagator! While he was out there I noticed him tending my next crop of cat grass too! :) Oh what a wonderful Daddy I have and what a wonderful Wednesday this is... Soon I shall have access to some top notch 'nip as well as some seriously good Matatabi (a.k.a. Silver Vine) and be able to spend my days in a merry drug induced fog... ;) I mean who cares that much about kittens when they are so eer umm "Happy" that they can can't quite walk straight, thinking has become all eer "Foggy" and I have a serious case of the "Munchies" ;) Sometimes it really is a good life! :)